SEFU Qualification: Certificates and Patents

Explore our Certificates and Patents page to learn more about our accomplishments and our ongoing pursuit of excellence. We value your trust and look forward to serving you with cutting-edge products and services.

At our company, we strive to provide our customers with exceptional products backed by certifications and patents. We believe that these achievements demonstrate our commitment to delivering high-quality, innovative solutions to meet your needs.

We proudly showcase our achievements in quality assurance, industry certifications, and innovative patents. Our commitment to excellence and continuous improvement is reflected in the following accomplishments.



ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System Certification

ISO45001: 2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certification

ISO14001: 2015 Environmental Management System Certification

  • ISO 9001 for ceramic pouring cups
    ISO 9001: 2015

    Our products and services meet the internationally recognized standard for quality management systems.

  • ISO 45001 about ceramic pouring cups
    ISO45001: 2018

    We prioritize occupational health and safety, ensuring a safe working environment for our employees.

  • ISO 14001 about ceramic pouring cups
    ISO14001: 2015

    We actively promote environmental responsibility and sustainable practices in our operations.

Industry Certifications

Innovative Small and Medium sized Enterprise
Innovative Small and Medium-sized Enterprise

Recognized by the government as an innovative small and medium-sized enterprise.

Technology based Small and Medium sized Enterprise
Technology-based Small and Medium-sized Enterprise

Acknowledged for our focus on technological advancements in our industry.
